Balentines day takeover!!
Howdy bloggers and blogettes! Welcome to a special edition of Pretty Standard where an enterprising young man has invaded his wife's personal space in order to deliver a mighty "I love you!" for the most holy of holies, Balentines Day!
You may be asking yourselves, "Is it really a good idea for Jess' husband to figure out how to log into her blog and leave his message of love and happiness for all to see?" The answer to this and many questions of life and love (and loooooove) is indeterminate, but one thing is certain: Jessica is a pretty great lady and I am extremely lucky to have tricked her into marrying me.
Jessica is quite the impressive specimen. She is a hard-working medical champ, she brews her own sparkling wine, and participates in the all-woman MMA tournaments around Canada with a record of 16 wins - 1 loss (she was distracted by the cries of a young infant in danger. After throwing the fight she rescued baby and got it back to it's parents, but not before taking it out for a whirlwind tour of Indo-China).
With Jessica being such a terrific example of crazy-great, it is hard to believe that she settled for a guy like me. Fortunately, I can burn up a killer grilled-cheese.
I love you, Jess. Hope that this Balentines Day fills you with mirth and joy.
P.S. I looked up mirth to write this post.
P.P.S. The Dogs say hi.
You may be asking yourselves, "Is it really a good idea for Jess' husband to figure out how to log into her blog and leave his message of love and happiness for all to see?" The answer to this and many questions of life and love (and loooooove) is indeterminate, but one thing is certain: Jessica is a pretty great lady and I am extremely lucky to have tricked her into marrying me.
Jessica is quite the impressive specimen. She is a hard-working medical champ, she brews her own sparkling wine, and participates in the all-woman MMA tournaments around Canada with a record of 16 wins - 1 loss (she was distracted by the cries of a young infant in danger. After throwing the fight she rescued baby and got it back to it's parents, but not before taking it out for a whirlwind tour of Indo-China).
With Jessica being such a terrific example of crazy-great, it is hard to believe that she settled for a guy like me. Fortunately, I can burn up a killer grilled-cheese.
I love you, Jess. Hope that this Balentines Day fills you with mirth and joy.
P.S. I looked up mirth to write this post.
P.P.S. The Dogs say hi.
hehe Brendan loved the post... very cute. I'd have to agree - Jess is pretty great! I hope to see you guys more when I'm back in BC - perhaps y'all can roadtrip to the farm!!! The dogs would have a great time!! haha.