April 10, 2010. Day of the Gopher. This post is not for the faint of heart.
greenhouse. Turns out the owner who my dad has known for 32yrs also
teaches scuba diving so I will definately be taking my open water PADI
course with him this summer and doing open water dives in Christina
Lake! Hopefully I can set up some barter system. Haha I can be so
cheap. I seem to make some funny happenstances with people while
delivering manure with father.
I digress... Whilst feeding the lambs, I notice Maggie is after some
kind of rodent in an unused irrigation pipe next to the sheep's pen.
Maggie is the Jack Russel and rodents are her speciality. I head over
to the pipe to see what's going on, and try to shake it out. Shake
shake, bang bang, scratch squeak squeak, and it's not gonna come out.
I do feel kind of bad that I'm helping Maggie bring this rodent to
it's end, but I guess I'm a little sick that way. I used to trap moles
for money - farm girl. Long story short (because I was there banging
and prodding away for quite a while), I decided it was time to flush
it out. I stuck a hose in one end, pushed it through, and out the
other end came sailing a drenched gopher. Jock the border collie
grabbed it first but didn't really know what to do with it. Once
Maggie clued in to the fact that we had finally got it out, she
promptly sent Mr. Gopher to gopher heaven. Crunch. Needless to say,
I'm now one of her favourite people and she is sleeping very soundly
tonight knowing the farm has one less rodent. Goodnight!
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