What am I doing?

I am a bad, bad, blogger. To ease myself back into it, and to earn back some blogger karma, here is a nifty update for everyone.

What Jessica is:



Brendan and I just watched Aziz Ansari's comedy central special and it was fu-u-un-ny! I tried to find a youtube clip to no avail, and comedy central are a bag of dicks to Canadians so I instead offer you an equally hilarious Human Giant sketch. Of particular note: I am simultaneously adding the entire cast of The Wire AND Human Giant to my "List". Rick Mercer is out, Aziz Ansari & Company are in.


Committed, by Elizabeth Gilbert of Eat, Pray, Love fame. 'Twas good. She is a rock star.

Writing & Obsessing over:

Emails to peeps about grad schools. Ugh. I am a master obsesser and procrastinator, which means I will wake up at 3 am and ream myself out about the day I wasted doing yoga and singing songs to the dogs instead of getting down to business. Tomorrow, people. For realsies. NFA.

Listening to:

I am late to the Passion Pit party, but boy am I ever making up for it by singing renditions to my dogs like  KRAZY. (And I don't take "crazy with a k" lightly, folks).


Reba is watching you, carefully. (image from here)

Would you rather:

Be incontinent of uncontrollable diarrhea for the rest of your life, not know when it's coming, be unable to afford diapers AND have to wear white pants at all times.
Develop a really, really terrible sense of humour in which you find things like knock-knock jokes, The Family Circus, The Reba Show, and The Suite Life of Jack and Cody the absolute highest form of comedy Unfortunately you also retain an almost out-of-body understanding that the stuff you're busting a gut over is actually really lame, yet you can't stop laughing (even through the humiliation).

What is your answer?


  1. My answer is definitely the latter...because sadly, very sadly, there is part of me that already leans in that direction. I may as well fully commit rather than suffer a life of white pants.

  2. ditto with Dranna. Who says Reba is lame? And I, in all honesty think that Zach and Cody are comedic geniuses (and totally HOT).

  3. I've read books filled with nothing but The Family Circus...


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