Sunny in Seattle

Well, first leg of four is officially over. Did my 1hr flight from Spokane to Seattle, and now enjoying the free wifi access in the airport to kill some time till the next flight to LA. My layover in LA is 6hrs, so I imagine I'll spend the last of my USD on dinner and a drink. I had fresh sushi and miso soup for lunch today and it was delicious. I'm sitting right by the window and soaking up some rays - really lovely since I left blizzard conditions in Spokane this morning. They had to de-ice the plane before take off, and the deicer said "How's my deicing?" Once I accepted the fact that one of those massive propellers by my head could fly off and slice through the plane and kill me, I slept most of the flight till the end when the turbulence hit. We circled above the clouds above Seattle for 10mins or so - you would have thought it was a training session or something for one of the pilots because we'd accelerate (this was a very noisy and relatively small plane) then gliiiiiide to the left, take the gas off and it would almost feel like you were going to stand still in mid air. Clouds that looked close sat beneath planes that appeared 2" long, and I thought about my idea of heaven as a child which was something like the beginning of Mary Poppins where Mrs. Poppins is in the clouds floating beneath her trusty umbrella, slowly descending. I'd like to roll around in those clouds like they're a pillow top mattress.
I must say how refreshing it is to be able to write clearly again - I've really been feeling weighed down in preparation for this trip. We all know about the restrictions of no more than 100mls allowed on the plane right? Well, I had like... 20 bottles under 100mls haha. All in plastic bags of course. Soooo, I had to take everything out of the individual plastic bags and place them into the size allotted bag from the airport. Luckily, I only had to ditch one small tube of tooth paste and a bit of left over face wash.
I'm now sipping on a nice tea that Nettie and Terry from Curves gave me as one of my advent gifts - hot water and low fat coffee cake courtesy of Starbucks gift card also from them. I'm hot here in the Seattle sunshine - I can't imagine what it's gonna be like in Australia! REALLY hot I guess. Perhaps I'll change into my shorts on the plane before I land in Brisbane.
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